Daily Archives: March 30, 2009

Why March of Dimes?

During a time when finances are tight for so many, and giving isn’t as easy, many are limiting who they are able to give to.  So, why the March of Dimes?   For parents of preemies it’s obvious, but so many others don’t even realize they have been touched by the March of Dimes.  Did or will your child receive medical benefits from State Children’s Health Insurance Program?  The March of Dimes urged this funding and the SCHIP Bill was passed.  Did your baby receive their newborn screening test?  The March of Dimes testified before congress supporting the Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act, which explains the importance of every baby having a full newborn screening test so that disorders can be found before a child’s life is lost.  Was your child born with Respitory Distress Syndrome?  Surfactant was developed by March of Dimes grantee T. Allen Merritt, MD.  Surfactant has saved tens of thousands of babies lives.  Molly is one of them!

This is why the March of Dimes!

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